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    Last week, I attended the Web Directions Code conference. It's a two days conference that covers various different topics around web development. The theme for this year conference was (as I quote from their website) "front of the front end" and the "back of the front end" –the technologies (JavaScript, the React ecosystem, CSS, browser APIs), and practices (privacy, security, performance, platform engineering and operations, and more) that underpin today's web sites and app. In this post, I'd like to share some notes from the talks that I attended and the learning I have from that.
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    As I've embarked into the [EpicReact](https://epicreact.dev/) course by Kent's C Doods in the last couple of weeks, this week, I've finished with the second section of the course. This section teach me about React Hooks. It consists of basic explanation of the react hooks and exercises to make people familiar with hooks and how it can simplify some of the advanced pattern in React.
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    As a part of my development goals at Culture Amp, I've been wanting to become more advanced in the frontend development areas. Several weeks ago, I subscribed to the [Epic React](https://epicreact.dev/) course by Kent C Dodds - thanks to Culture Amp who sponsored my learning for this. To have me accountable, in the next several weeks I'll post my learning notes from the course with the hope it will be useful for anyone who reads it without violating the copyright of the course.